Your choice of location
depends primarily on where you work and whether you want to commute,
and also on your family lifestyle.
- Do you want to live near recreation facilities
such as a golf course or skating rink?
- How close to home are the services you need?
- How close are your childrens schools?
- Is public transportation available?
Urban living usually offers the largest range of
home styles and often is closer to amenities such as restaurants and theatres. On the
other hand, you may get more for your money in the suburbs.
Suburban homes often have larger lots and larger square footage than urban homes in the
same price range.
If youre considering moving to an unfamiliar neighbourhood, take time to drive or
walk around it, both during the day and in the evening.Make some notes. Its also a
good idea to travel the route to and from your work. (See the Home Hunting Worksheet)
There are many other factors you should consider when choosing the location of your home.
To do this, contact the local municipal office regarding planning and zoning by laws.