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Fiches conseils


In Québec, the Act respecting the Régie du logement allows a tenant to keep
his apartment year after year, for as long as he wishes, provided, of course, he
respects all terms of his lease. This is known as the right to remain in the premises.
There are, however, some rare exceptions to this right, including repossession.


Who can repossess the dwelling

A person who rents a dwelling to a tenant may wish to repossess the dwelling in
order to either live there himself or install a relative. If he is the owner of the dwelling
he may do so, provided that he notify the tenant of his intentions in advance. The
tenant may accept to leave or refuse to do so if he doubts the landlord's intentions.

If the tenant refuses, it is then up to the landlord to take his case to the Régie and seek
authorization to repossess the apartment. This is known as an application for repossession.